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Software Jstest-gtk (Application Testing Joystick)

A joystick testing and configuration tool for GNU/Linux

  jstest-gtk is a simple joystick tester based on GTK+. It provides you with a list attached joysticks, a way to display which buttons and a way to calibrate your joystick.

Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as calibration lets you get rid of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and that are a noticeable problem a some games.

jstest-joystick is released under the GPLv3+.

Update for 2018: The /dev/Input/jsX interface that jstest-gtk uses is largely obsolete. Most newer software will use /dev/input/eventX so, neither the calibration nor the remapping functionality will any effect.

evtest-qt is a similar piece a software that works with the new interface, however it won't be able to provide a calibration or remapping.

Source Code


Git Repository

The Git Repository is hosted on GitLab:

git clone git://gitlab.com/jstest-gtk/jstest-gtk.git


Flatpak (works on all Linux distributions)

   flatpak install flathub io.gitlab.jstest_gtk.jstest_gtk

Software Jstest-gtk (Application Testing Joystick) Software Jstest-gtk (Application Testing Joystick) Reviewed by Kevin kanz kusryan on 19.00 Rating: 5

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